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Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes Global Commission of Business Program Council’s approach to Privacy and provides information about how Global Commission of Business Program Council collects, uses, processes, and discloses personal information.

What This Privacy Policy Covers

This Privacy Policy describes how ,uses personal information in connection with goods and services sold by Global Commission of Business Program Council, and the use of the website unless otherwise listed below.

Global Commission of Business Program Council 's Approach to Privacy

Global Commission of Business Program Council takes your privacy seriously and is mindful of potential concerns about how we use the personal information we collect from and about you. In addition to this Privacy Policy, we have internal policies and practices designed to keep your personal information secure and to ensure that information about you is only used consistent with this Privacy Policy. We apply principles of Privacy-by-Design and have privacy and security teams that are committed to ensuring that your personal information is safe and handled properly.

The Personal Information We Collect

In this section of the Privacy Policy, we explain the types of personal information we may collect. The specific information that we may collect about you depends on the type of interaction and the types of services considered or purchased.

Global Commission of Business Program Council potentially collects the following categories of personal information:

Identifiers: Examples of the types of identifiers that Global Commission of Business Program Council may collect include real names, nicknames, signatures, postal addresses, online identifiers, Internet Protocol addresses, email addresses, and account numbers.

Sensitive Information: Examples of the types of sensitive information that Global Commission of Business Program Council may collect includes social security, driver’s license, state identification card, and passport numbers, and usernames and passwords for accounts connected to

Characteristics protected under some laws: Examples of the types of characteristics that Global Commission of Business Program Council may collect include age, national origin, citizenship, marital status, medical information, sex, and veteran or military status. Global Commission of Business Program Council does not use this type of information to analyze your health, sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation.

Commercial information: Examples of the types of commercial information that Global Commission of Business Program Council may collect includes records of business and other property owned, products or services purchased, obtained, or considered from Global Commission of Business Program Council or our partners, and other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies.

Internet information: Examples of the types of internet activity information that Global Commission of Business Program Council may collect includes browsing history, search history, information about the device used to access our website or applications, and information regarding your interaction with websites, applications, or advertisements. We may also collect information from visitors to our website, such as browser settings, operating systems, referring/exit pages, and clickstream data. When we send you an email, Global Commission of Business Program Council may also collect information, including about how you interact with that email.

Geolocation information: Global Commission of Business Program Council may collect information about where a consumer resides or is otherwise located.

Audio and visual information: Global Commission of Business Program Council may make audio recordings of telephone calls. We may make visual recordings if you agree that we may videotape or photograph you. We may also collect visual images of you in connection with legal requirements, security purposes, or when required for providing certain products.

Professional and employment-related information: Examples of the types of professional and employment-related information Global Commission of Business Program Council may collect includes information about professional status and affiliations, employment history, salary, and employment status.

Other types of information: Examples of other types of information include physical characteristics or descriptions of you, telephone number, insurance policy number, financial information including bank account, credit card, and debit card numbers, and health insurance information. It also includes additional information provided to Global Commission of Business Program Council directly by you, such as when you complete a questionnaire, upload a document, answer a survey, or receive a financial consultation.

Where We Collect Personal Information

In this section of the Privacy Policy, we explain where and how we collect personal information.

Customers: Much of the personal information that Global Commission of Business Program Council collects comes directly or indirectly from our customers and prospective customers. Information that is collected directly from you is information that you provide when you complete a form online, upload a document, use a chat feature, or speak to us on the phone. We may also collect information indirectly about you when you interact with our website, using cookies and other tracking technologies.

Service Providers: We may collect information about you from our Service Providers or other companies that we work with to deliver products to you. As used in this Privacy Policy, Service Providers means entities that Global Commission of Business Program Council has contracted with to provide us with services to help fulfill our business needs. An example of the type of information that we may receive from a Service Provider is information about whether any Legal Mail has been received as part of our Registered Agent services. Service Providers may also assist us in collecting information both directly and indirectly from you.

Affiliates and Subsidiaries: We may receive information about you from our affiliates and subsidiaries. For example, if we acquire an ownership interest in a company, we may receive information about you as part of that acquisition if you have previously done business with them.

Publicly/Commercially Available Information: We may collect information about you from publicly available sources of information, including government records, social media sites, and other commercially available sources of personal information.

Unrelated Parties: We may receive information related to you from people and entities with whom Global Commission of Business Program Council does not have a direct relationship. An example of the type of information that we may receive from unrelated third parties are documents that we receive on your behalf in our role as your Registered Agent.

How We Use the Personal Information We Collect

In this section of the Privacy Policy, we explain our commercial and business purposes for collecting information. Global Commission of Business Program Council uses the information that it collects for the purposes listed below. We use technology, including automated processing, AI, and human review to accomplish these purposes. We may also combine information that we have collected from multiple sources.

Providing Products and Services: We use personal information to provide and support our products and services. Examples of these uses include producing and delivering documents purchased by customers, administering the Global Commission of Business Program Council website, and displaying content based on customer preferences.

Security: We use personal information to ensure we maintain appropriate security over computer networks and our physical facilities, as well as detecting fraud or other suspicious activities.

Marketing and Advertising: We use personal information for marketing to current and prospective customers. More information about how you can control the use of your personal information for marketing purposes.

Product Development: We use personal information for product development, including improving our existing offerings and developing new products and services, including machine learning or Artificial Intelligence ("AI") technologies.

Analytics: We use personal information for various types of analytics. For example, Global Commission of Business Program Council uses personal information to analyze how visitors arrive at and interact with our website, and to gain insight into the types of customers that may be interested in our products and services. We may also use the information to develop inferences from the information we collect regarding customer preferences, characteristics, predispositions, behaviors, and attitudes.

Operational Purposes: We use personal information for operational purposes, and the operational purposes of our service providers, business partners, affiliates, and subsidiaries. For instance, Global Commission of Business Program Council may use the information to maintain our website and other infrastructure, training, quality assurance, for conducting surveys or sweepstakes, to promote our brand, and to use in connection with our relationships with service providers and business partners.

Financial Reporting: We use personal information in connection with various types of financial reporting and other similar internal uses. Examples of the types of financial reporting that Global Commission of Business Program Council may use personal information in connection with includes internal budgets and projections, compensation calculations, and public reporting.

Meeting Legal Requirements: We use personal information to meet our legal obligations, such as performing customer due diligence, maintaining records as required in our role as a Registered Agent.

How We Disclose Personal Information

In this section of the Privacy Policy, we explain to whom we disclose personal information and under what circumstances we may make a disclosure.

Service Providers: We may share personal information with our service providers who assist us with running our business. These companies are not authorized to use the information we share with them for any purpose other than providing services to Global Commission of Business Program Council or to you.

Businesses Providing Services: Global Commission of Business Program Council may disclose personal information with other businesses in order to provide you with products and services that you have purchased from Global Commission of Business Program Council . Personal information disclosed to other businesses will be subject to those third parties’ privacy practices.

Professionals (including attorneys and Tax Experts): We may share personal information with attorneys and Tax Experts whose services can be accessed through products such as our legal plans and attorney-assisted products.

Business Partners: Global Commission of Business Program Council may share personal information with business partners. When we share personal information with business partners, it will generally be subject to their privacy policy. We share information with business partners in the following circumstances:

  • If you express interest in an offer presented to you either by Global Commission of Business Program Council on behalf of a business partner or by a business partner on behalf of Global Commission of Business Program Council , you are directing Global Commission of Business Program Council to provide information about you to that business partner.
  • If you purchase a Global Commission of Business Program Council product that is bundled with a product offered by one of our business partners, we will share information about you with that business partner.

Parties Related to You: We may provide information about you to someone you know or that you have connected with through our platform. For instance, we may provide information connected to your Global Commission of Business Program Council account with your authorized contacts. We may provide information about you to a customer requesting that you sign a document, such as whether you have completed the signature process.

Government Entities: Global Commission of Business Program Council may share information about customers with government entities to fulfill the products purchased by our customers. This Privacy Policy does not cover these or similar third-party actions.

Public Disclosures: Global Commission of Business Program Council may publicly disclose personal information in limited circumstances.

  • We may share information publicly when it is necessary to fulfill a product that has been purchased by a customer.
  • We may display testimonials and reviews received through email surveys on our website or other marketing or that are posted to publicly available websites.
  • When you post content in any forum or comment area on our website, these posts may be publicly available. You should use caution when deciding whether to disclose your personal information in public areas of our website.
  • When we collect publicly available information, we may share that information on our website.

Parties Related to Global Commission of Business Program Council: Global Commission of Business Program Council may disclose personal information with businesses controlling, controlled by, or under common control with Global Commission of Business Program Council. If Global Commission of Business Program Council is merged, acquired, or sold, or if some or all of our assets or equity are transferred, we may disclose or transfer consumer data in connection with the associated transactions.

How Long We Retain Your Personal Information?

Global Commission of Business Program Council retains your personal information for at least as long as it is necessary to fulfill the purposes for which we collected the data, to provide you with services and products, to comply with our data retention obligations, and to successfully run our business.

Your Options Regarding Personal Information Collected by Global Commission of Business Program Council

This section describes how you can access and control the information that Global Commission of Business Program Council may have about you. It applies to all consumers worldwide, including individuals who have purchased goods or services from Global Commission of Business Program Council or who believe that information about them may have been provided to us by a third party.

Confirmation of Possession of Information Related to You. Upon a verified request, subject to the privacy interests of others and technical limitations, Global Commission of Business Program Council will provide you with information about whether we hold any information related to you. At Global Commission of Business Program Council’s sole discretion, unless otherwise required by law, we may, in some instances, correct or delete information upon a verified request. Please note, however, that in certain circumstances, we may be required by law to retain your personal information or may need to retain your personal information to continue providing a product or service to you or another customer.

If you would like to submit a request about your data, you may do so by completing the form located here, or by emailing us at After you submit the request, you will be asked to verify your email address and may also be asked to provide additional information to verify your identity.

User and Authorized Contact Access to Order Information. Global Commission of Business Program Council will give you, or anyone listed as an authorized contact for your account, information about your order. This may include information about the nature and status of your order, the information you provided to process your order, payment information, and contact information. If you want someone to have access to your order, you must list them as an authorized contact, or they may not obtain such information from

Opting Out of Promotional Email. You can opt-out of promotional emails by using the “Unsubscribe” link and following the unsubscribe instructions in an email you receive from us or by emailing to our given email address. We may also send service-related or transactional communications, which are not promotional. Generally, you may not opt-out of these communications. If you do not wish to receive service-related communications, you may terminate your account by contacting us.

Global Commission of Business Program Council's Security and Identity Verification Practices

Global Commission of Business Program Council is committed to protecting the personal information that we collect and ensuring our products and services are provided in a secure manner. We have implemented security measures designed to protect the personal information that we maintain.

Regardless of the measures and efforts that Global Commission of Business Program Council takes to protect personal information, we cannot guarantee absolute protection and security of your personal information. For instance, when we transmit documents to you via mail delivery services or electronically, there remains the possibility that this information may be misdirected, misdelivered, or intercepted.

We encourage you to take precautions in protecting the information that you share with Global Commission of Business Program Council .